Cookies policy
This website uses cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the website) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential, such as guaranteeing the correct functioning of the website and being able to obtain information about its use and improve the user experience.

By browsing this website, the user accepts that cookies can be installed on their terminal.
Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not themselves provide the user’s personal data.



Cookies can be classified based on different parameters:

  • Ownership: We use our own cookies and third-party cookies, depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and the data is processed.
  • Duration: We use session cookies and persistent cookies, depending on the length of time they remain stored on the user’s terminal.
  • Purpose: Technical cookies, personalization cookies or analysis cookies, according to the purpose for which the data obtained is processed.
    • Technical cookies: These are those that allow the user to navigate through the website, or the application and use the different options or services that exist therein. For example, controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, using security elements during browsing and storing content, among others.
    • Personalization cookies: These are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined in their terminal or that the user themselves define. For example, the language, the type of browser through which you access the service or the selected content design..
    • Analysis cookies: These are those that, either highly processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out the analysis of the use made by users of the service offered. For this reason, your navigation on our website is analyzed to improve the offer of information.



    The user may withdraw their consent related to this Cookies Policy at any time. To do so you will have to delete the cookies stored on your computer using the settings and configurations of your Internet browser.

    Below we provide instructions for the most used browsers.
    To adjust permissions related to cookies in the Google Chrome browser:

    To adjust permissions related to cookies in the Microsoft edge browser:

    To adjust cookie permissions in the Safari browser:

    To adjust permissions related to cookies in the Opera browser:

    If you block the use of cookies in the browser, some services or functionalities of the website may not be available.