“And S’Agaró, which seems like great fun, and a great relief, is actually this: an ambition, a thought, a tenacity and an understanding love.”

Josep Maria de Sagarra
Poet and writer (1894 – 1961)


Within the framework of the S’Agaró Centenary activities, the Party of the Senses takes place, a unique event that consists of a tasting of gastronomic proposals inspired by the history of S’Agaró and the Mediterranean. The dinner is hosted by Romain Fornell, Rafa Zafra and Albert Adrià. There also be an audio-visual projection of the Centenary.

The event takes place on 26th of July, a designated date that wants to pay tribute to the inauguration of “La Senya Blanca”, the first house of the future urbanization, inaugurated on July 24 of 1924.

Those in charge of preparing the dinner menu are the various internationally recognized chefs, who undoubtedly play a fundamental role in activating all the diners’ senses. It is attended by authorities, sponsors and guests from various areas of Catalan society.

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